Audit of heat nodes

This service aims to develop a professional technical report on the heat source and related installations. The test allows for a detailed diagnosis of any irregularities, as well as for obtaining an expert assessment of the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the heat node.
The scope of our services includes:
  • assessment of the technical condition with parameters of the node operation,
  • providing recommendations for improving the operation of devices and parameter settings,
  • ongoing maintenance of technological and power equipment, as well as the control and measurement equipment included in the node,
 Certified specialists will check the heat substation in every respect, and the result of the activities will be a professional and substantive audit. In the prepared report, they will indicate, inter alia, the necessary modernization works and provide detailed information on the modernization of the node. In addition, they will provide expert advice on the costs of modernization, which can be covered based on EPC financing and White Certificates. A specialist audit of the substation is the only proven way to avoid incorrectly calculated charges as well as expensive repairs. It is also a guarantee of obtaining optimal parameters that will translate into even distribution of heat in the room.